City Manager

The City Manager’s Office oversees implementation of Council decisions, and directs the efforts of City departments to that end.  

About the Office of the City Manager

The Office of the City Manager (CMO), with direction from the Taft City Council, lies at the epicenter of City government. Responsible for the day-to-day administration of Council policies and City affairs, the City Manager’s Office oversees implementation of Council decisions, and directs the efforts of City departments to that end.  

In addition to policy implementation, the CMO is responsible for the following:

  • Preparation of the City Budget
  • Strategic Planning,
  • Communication Services
  • Acquisition of City contracts and Interlocal Agreements that benefit Taft residents

Contact Us

City Manager

Taft City Hall
230 Green Avenue
Taft, TX 78390
Phone: (361) 528-3512
